Skill Based Credit Course

(172 Reviews)


₹ 499 ₹ 1999 Buy now
Skill Based Credit Course

About Course

The following Cyber Security Credit Course cover a total of 12 Credit

1 Credit each Semester
1 Credit be completed in 15 clock hours
4 Credit Course for Under Graduate Level Guideline of UGC
4 Credit Course for Post Graduate Level Guideline of UGC
4 Credit Course for PG Student Guideline of SPPU ( Introduction to Cyber Security / Information Security )
The Practical Workshops & Demonstrations are included in these clock hours as well, if needed

After successful completion of Cyber ​​Sanskar Cyber ​​Security Credit  Course Certificate  you get

Course content

videoIntroduction Cyber CrimeFree
videoIntellectual Property Theft Start
videoDigital Forgery Start
videoInternet Time/ Bandwidth Theft Start
videoCyber Defamation Start
videoCyber Pornography Start
videoCyber Terrorism Start
videoCyber Bullying Talking Start
videoData Alteration or Diddling Start
videoIdentity Theft Start
videoWar Driving Start
videoSource Code Theft Start
videoDenial of Service Attack Start
videoEmail bomb Start
videoEmail Spoofing Start
videoMalware Attacks Start
videoWeb Jacking Start
videoOnline Gambling Start
videoPhishing Attack Start
video1 Introduction to Cyber Security Start
video2 Cyber Crime & Cyber Law Start
video3 Social Media Overview & Security Start
video4 E - Commerce & Digital Payments Start
video5 Digital Devices Security, Tools & Technologies for Cyber Security Start
video1 Overview of Cyber security Start
video2 ( a ) Cyber Crimes Start
video( b ) Cyber Crimes Start
video3 Cyber Law Start
video4 Data Privacy & Data Security Start
video5 Cyber Security Management, Compliance & Governance Start
videoCyber Crises Management Plan Start
videoTypes of security controls & their goals Start
videoNational cyber security policy and strategy Start
videoOverview of Networking Concepts Start
videoBasics of Communication Systems Start
videoTransmission Media Start
videoTopology Start
videoTypes of Networks Start
videoTCP / IP Protocol Stacks Start
videoWireless Networks Start
videoThe Internet Start
videoChapter 2 : Information Security Concepts Start
videoBackground & Current Scenario Start
videoTypes of Attacks Start
videoGoals for Security Start
videoE Commerce Security Start
videoComputer Forensics Start
videoSteganography Start
videoChapter 3 : Security Threats & Vulnerabilities Start
videoOverview of Security threats Start
videoWeak / Strong Passwords Start
videoPassword Cracking Start
videoInsecure Network connections Start
videoMalicious Code Start
videoProgramming Bugs Start
videoCyber Crime Start
videoCyber Terrorism Start
videoInformation Warfare Start
videoSurveillance Start
videoChapter 4 : Cryptography / Encryption Start
videoDigital Signatures Start
videoPublic Key infrastructure Start
videoApplications of Cryptography Start
videoTools & Techniques of Cryptography Start
videoChapter I : Security Management Practices Start
videoOverview of Security Management Start
videoInformation Classification Process Start
videoSecurity Policy Start
videoRisk Management Start
videoSecurity Procedures & Guidelines Start
videoBusiness Continuity Start
videoDisaster Recovery Start
videoEthics & Best Practices Start
videoChapter 2 : Security Laws & Standards Start
videoSecurity Assurance Start
videoSecurity Laws Start
videoInternational Standards Start
videoSecurity Audit Start
videoSSE - CMM / COBIT etc Start
videoAccess Control & Intrusion Detection Start
videoOverview of Identification & Authorization Start
videoOverview of IDS Start
videoIntrusion Detection Systems & Intrusion Prevention Systems Start
videoChapter 2 : Server Management & Firewalls Start
videoUser Management Start
videoOverview of Firewalls Start
videoTypes of Firewalls Start
videoDMZ and firewall features Start
videoChapter 3 : Security for VPN & Next Generation Technologies Start
videoVPN Security Start
videoSecurity in Multimedia Networks Start
videoVarious Computing Platforms: HPC, Cluster and Computing Grids Start
videoVirtualization & Cloud Technology & Security Start
videoChapter 1 : Security Architectures & Models Start
videoDesigning Secure Operating Systems Start
videoControls to enforce security services Start
videoInformation Security Models Start
videoChapter 2 : System Security Start
videoDesktop Security Start
videoEmail Security : PGP & SMIME Start
videoWeb Security : web authentication, SSL & SET Start
videoDatabase Security Start
videoChapter 3: OS Security Start
videoOS Security Vulnerabilities, updates & patches Start
videoOS Integrity Checks Start
videoAnti Virus Software Start
videoConfiguring the OS for Security Start
videoOS Security Vulnerabilities, Updates & Patches Start
videoChapter 4 : Wireless Networks & Security Start
videoComponents of Wireless Networks Start
videoSecurity issues in wireless Start
videoPassword Tester Start
videoPassword Generator Start
videoEncryption & Decryption Tool Start
videoUser Authentication Start
videoImportant Questions & Answers Start
videoInternal Assessment Start
videoSocial Media Start
videoOnline Transaction Start
videoPassword & Email Security Start
videoEmpowering in Cyber Security Essentials Start

Pass the quiz to get a certificate


Password & Email Security

Pass the quiz
Tanmay S Dikshit

Tanmay S Dikshit

Certified Pro

Course Instructor

Dr. Tanmay S Dikshit is Highly Energetic Speaker of BCI, IoT & Digital Device's Security and Graphology Science. ​He was awarded 2 State Award ( Government of Maharashtra ) & President Award ( Government of India ). 25+ Years Experience in Technology & International Professional Level 50+ Certification Completed. He is rhetorician and well versed trainer and accords training to Military personals, detectives and all the security forces in which cyber security is required. He is invited as spokesperson at reputed organizations, companies and educational Institutions/Universities to shed light on the major aspects of Cyber Security. He also organizes events, workshops & Awareness Campaigns regarding the same.

(172 Reviews)
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